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November 13, 2008

The Rainbow Bridge

After almost a week of absence, we are finally back to blogging business. Manang came back with a bunch load of stories especially during her Manila Trip this week, which we will blog about soon.

While Manang was in Manila, The Secretary told her that Girl Girl had already left for the Rainbow Bridge. We never met Girl Girl before. Nor do we recall visiting her on account of our crammed schedule. In the same manner that we weren't able to visit as many doggies, kitties and hammies as possible. And for this we are shamefully sorry.

To Girl Girl Hamster...

We are sad...

that we never got to visit you while you were around...

that we never told you how adorable you looked
in your attempt to be a cutesy roll of hamster fluff in Stanislaw's tiny competition...

that we thought about you last Monday when Manang went to Tiendesitas
and saw a couple of adorable hamsters running in their hamster wheel...

that we wanted so badly to visit your blog
but haunted memories of a prior hamster experience prevailed upon us,
thus we never mustered the courage to look at any hamsters :(...

that even when we never got to visit you,
nor share any experience together,
but hearing of you leaving for the Rainbow Bridge drove us to tears.

we can only count the days
and reminisce the times when we wanted to act
but dared not move,

when we wanted to type a few words of encouragement,
but remained contented in keeping our thoughts to ourselves

when we could have dropped by to say 'Hi' at a time when it would have meant something
but procastinated and burried our heads in work,
thinking there would always be tomorrow.

But now, there is not even a 'Tomorrow'.
nor is there Today.
All we have are sob stories of unspoken admiration.

If only we were more courageous.
If only we acted more swiftly
If only saying it now would not be too late...

WE LOVE YOU little Girl Girl!
And we hope you are happy in the Rainbow Bridge.

We would also like to dedicate this post to our friend, T-man Angel, we never got to tell him but we chanced upon his blog during such a difficult time. We love you, T-man. Bless your beautiful poodle soul.


Raising Addie said...

What a beautiful tribute!


The Musketeers said...

We miss Girlgirl !
& you are finally back !

Dandy Duke said...

This is just the most wonderful tribute! Girl girl would have loved it because she was so very sweet always!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Aki!
Glad you are back!
I loved your tribute to Girl Girl!
Kisses and hugs

Lacy said...

w00f's Pups, that was a bute ti ful tribute to girl girl and t-man angel..

b safe,