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November 17, 2008

Weekends are all about...

By Achilles Wong

Weekends for us means a lot of things. For one, weekends mean lots of bonding time with the hoomans. The last weekend was a little different though. Sometime before Christmas, malls here in the Philippines organize 3-day weekend sales. Last week, Ayala Center Mall (where Max and I had our rendezvous jog fest) had a sale from Friday to Sunday, so manang and manong decided to take a look.

Before they left, they didn't forget to serve us a juicy feast of sumptious pork bones- courtesy of Manang Tin and Manang R'.

Arriving at Ayala, they decided to test their photography skills using manong's recentl;y acquired Nikon D40 camera. And the results...?

The hoomans posing with the annual giant Christmas tree

Manong looking more like a tourist than a native (see the camera bag)

There was a spa and wellness expo where they featured more than 10 spa and wellness facilities in Cebu City. They also had a forum on various methods on skin care, health care and overall wellness.

The stage was intricately designed to resemble a forest filled with lush plants, vegetations and other greeneries

Exercise and spa treatments should always be capped with a healthy diet. In this case, Nestle Philippines launched it's heavenly collection. Among these is the strawberry yogurt popsicle... yum!

The hoomans were even blessed to meet this astronaut.
Oh yeah, manang! Astronauts don't get that a lot in space.

Of course, when they went home they didn't arrive empty handed. They weren't able to shop much last Saturday but they didn't forget to replenish our doggie dindins and of course, load up on those vitamins.

Manang also gave us our gift from
The Animal Doctor and The Secretary: 2 boxes of Hill's Science Diet Puppy Starter sets. It was so yummy that Poopie and I were drooling over it for 3 days in a row. As for the other icky stuff. They are more of medicines and health supplements. Frontline and Banjo Soap takes care of our skin and leaves us tick free for months while Heartgard helps fight those nasty heartworms, which grow in the valves of our hearts and give us numerous ailments. The Secretary said we should be starting on Heartgard by the time we reach 6 months old because this is the time when those heartworms start to develop. Well, I hope we will never get any of those!
Saturday shopping purchases:

Manang had to buy me two new balls because I just lot my soccer ball... buhuhu.. and the squeak ball? Well, let's just say that she's preparing it for the big "B" day on Sunday... wooofyyy!!!

Ooooppppsss... I'm missing a ball!!!

(note: the chewed basket tray was the latest masterpiece of you-know-who)
Does anyone know who took my ball?

Needless to say, we were not the only ones who got to enjoy some shopping. The hoomans also bought a lot of stuff for themselves. The big fluffy comforter (below) was 70% off and the woof woman couldn't help but succumb to the sale genie.

We are on SALE. Everything must go! (And I mean everything!! BOL)

Happy Christmas Shopping Everybody!!


Boo Casanova said...

the bone looks yummy and juccylicious. i wish i could taste it myself but damn, i can only see it on my screen. :(

wet wet licks


Petra said...

Christmas is my favorite time of year and I love that giant Christmas tree! But my favorite picture is the last one... great Santa hat!

Lacy said...

w00f's, love the tree, wow its a big one...ur hooman went shopping and u all got the benefits..thats likes ur hat too...

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Yes, those bones look delicious!
I like Heartguard! It tastes like a treat! Too bad I take it only once a month! Ha!
Have a happy christmas shopping!
Kisses and hugs

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Hey Aki and Poopie,

You guys are right! We didn't realise we have the same birth months til now! How coincidental huh??!

Mum is busy with xmas shopping too. Our weekends are always almost the same routine, mum cleaning up the house, bring us for longer walks, then go off for dinner with dad and LEAVING us at home BOOHOOOOO!!!!!

Cocoa and Barley

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Woof Aki,

We came back to leave another comment again because we were just looking hard at that pic of you with your xmas hat and we saw something else! WOOOOOOOOO WOOOOO! We are not telling ya what it is!

Cocoa and Barley

The Musketeers said...

WOW ! you really did Christmas shopping ! We have done it already ! (:
Yeap ! I know , I am a gentleman ! BOL :P

Lots of Loves ,

Dandy Duke said...

Strawberry yogurt popsicle??!! yummmmmmmmmmm
We love that last picture of you in your Santa hat, Aki!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Animal Doctor said...

hey aki, and poopie!!!

so now you know your Manang's secret, hehehe.

well,can you manage to stay good until december? i have verified rumors that you and poopie and dr. heinz and the bacolod doggies are on santa's list. go ask manang what this means. :)


Mommi S

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Whoa...your humans sure had a fun time at the mall! The Christmas tree is ginormous!

Your hat is so cool! I wish I had one too...=)


Toffee said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog! And thank you for the compliment about my post of the month last month!

Looks like you had a wonderful time shopping!

The Musketeers said...

How many more days to your going to the beach outing ? BOL !
It feels a little weird to give out awards . Maybe I am not used to it !

oH ,you can get those blanket from IKEA ! Do you have that store at your side?


Bobby said...

Hi, Great balls you got from your mum and dads shopping trip. John said he is so jelous of your mam and dad walking about in T shirts here we have to go in big coats all muffled up.

Dino and Family said...

The spa expo looks amazing! Your humans looked like they had a a lot of fun shopping too! I am so happy to hear that they got you some goodies too! Happy weekend, Aki! Love, Dino

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Aki and Poopie!
Mmmm! Those bones look yummy and juicy!
That big tree is beautiful!
You look great in your Santa Hat, Aki!

Love and licks